TU announces Admission on MBA 2019 Enrollment

MBA which stands for Masters in Business Administration is a very globally renowned and prestigious degree. It comes under management field and can be called as Science of Management. In Nepal also MBA degree has great value both academically and professionally. It is one of the most preferred fields in Nepal. It is the first choice of every management graduates to pursue their career in MBA.  The School of Management at Tribhuvan University (SOMTU) is responsible for operating full-time professional MBA program in Nepal. The MBA program conducted by SOMTU is 2 years program consisting of 60 credit hours which has been divided in four semesters.  MBA degree gives student opportunities to explore various requirements needed to handle, manage and expertise their knowledge in business and other decision making process. 


  • To produce management professional, business expert and dynamic entrepreneur who can lead present organizations and have vision to establish and run their own ventures in long run.
  • To help in career advancement of students willing to create and manage their own business enterprises by gaining technical and practical knowledge of business.
  • To produce efficient managers who have required skills and knowledge to drive the public and private sector.
  • To produce highly professional and educated managers who have ability to run small and lagrge corporate nationally and globally.

Admission Requirements

In order to join MBA program in TU, the applicants must have completed 15 years of formal education (12 years of higher secondary education and minimum 3 years Bachelors level program. Student should have scored at least CGPA of 2 or minimum 45 percent in order to be eligible for MBA program. The last and final decision is taken by considering the performance of applicant in the admission test. Students are required to fill all the necessary information regarding their personal and academic qualification. The application can be downloaded from www.somtu.edu.np, which is the website of SOM. The full application along with the transcripts should be submitted to office in the given time. While submitting the application along with, it the applicants need to pay Rs. 1000. The paid fee must be deposited in the Global Bank and the deposited voucher should be submitted along with application.
Fee structure of MBA in Nepal:
The cost of MBA in Nepali is quite high compared to other fields of management. It requires generally 4- 10 lakhs for the MBA study. In comparison to courses of other universities in Nepal, the fee structure of TU is less. For full information of fee structure, one can visit the official site of SOMTU.
List of college offering MBA program of TU:
There is only one autonomous institution that is School of Management formed by Tribhuvan University to run MBA program. There is no any affiliated college so far in TU MBA program.  
Entrance Examination schedule
  •  Applications form distribution
  • SOMAT text (Written Entrance Test examination):  Here the candidate’s verbal ability and quantitative ability is judged. Issue based essay writing and case analysis is also given to analyze the student’s creative ability.
  • Personal Interview
  • Admission
Entrance Preparation for MBA:
In order to pass the SOMAT text which is like GMAT text, students need to prepare very hard. They can either join any entrance preparation classes by getting admitted in different education centre or prepare themselves at home. These centers are available in different parts of the Kathmandu valley and outside it. If students choose to prepare by sitting at home than there are different SOMAT entrance preparation books available in the market. Not only this, in order to boost the morale of students, the senior students of SOMTU conducted mock entrance test. Moreover, students can get different model entrance question in the net. The website like www.mba.com provides bundle of model questions and SOMAT entrance tricks and techniques which can be very beneficial for students.   
